姓名: 宋卫 性别: 女
出生日期: 1985.11 籍贯: 江苏省连云港市
学历: 博士研究生 毕业时间: 2015.6
职称、职务:讲师/教师 学科专业:高分子化学与物理
主要研究方向: 功能高分子的可控合成
联系电话: 15895197457
E-mail: sw121092@ycit.cn
u 2015.12-至今 盐城工学院 吕氏贵宾会网址0022 讲师
u 2000.07-2003.07 华东师范大学 化学系 博士研究生
1.Wei Song*, Yang You, Tian Jing Li, Juan Li, and Liang Ding*.“Perylene Bisimide In-chain Polyethylene with Unique Self-assembly Nanostructure through Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) Polymerization”.Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2018, 36,1-9.
2. Liang Ding*, Wei Song*, Ruiyu Jiang, Lei Zhu*. “A Straightforward Approach for One-Pot Synthesis of Noncovalently Connected Graft Copolymers with Unique Self-Assembly Nanostructures”. Polym. Chem. 2016, 7, 6992–7001.
3. Liang Ding*, Chengshuang Wang, Ruiyu Jiang, Lingfang Wang, Wei Song*. “Preparation of Small and Photoresponsive Polymer Nanoparticles by Intramolecular Crosslinking of Reactive Star Azo-Polymers”. React. Funct. Polym.2016, 109, 56–63.
4. Liang Ding*, Juan Li, Ruiyu Jiang, Wei Song*. “Photoresponsive Polymeric Reversible Nanoparticles via Self-Assembly of Reactive ABA Triblock Copolymers and Their Transformation to Permanent Nanostructures”. Materials2016, 9, 980. (Special Issue: Nanostructured Polymeric Materials: Fabrication, Self-Assembly, Properties and Applications.)
5. Wei Song, Huijing Han, Jianhua Wu, and Meiran Xie. “Precise perylene bisimide-substituted polyethylene with high glass transition temperature and ordered architecture”, RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 68765-68772.
6. Wei Song, Huijing Han, Jianhua Wu, and Meiran Xie. “A bridge-like polymer synthesized by tandem metathesis cyclopolymerization and acyclic diene metathesis polymerization”, Polym. Chem. 2015, 6, 1118-1126.
7. Wei Song, Huijing Han, Xiaojuan Liao, Ruyi Sun, Jianhua Wu, and Meiran Xie. “Metathesis Cyclopolymerization of Imidazolium-Functionalized 1,6-Heptadiyne toward Polyacetylene Ionomer” Macromolecules2014, 47, 6181-6188.
8. Wei Song, Huijing Han, Jianhua Wu and Meiran Xie. “Ladder-like polyacetylene with excellent optoelectronic properties and regular architecture”, Chem. Commun.2014, 50, 12899-12902.
9.Zewang You, Wei Song, Sha Zhang, Ouyue Jin, and Meiran Xie. “Polymeric microstructures and dielectric properties of polynorbornenes with 3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)biphenyl side groups by ring-opening metathesis polymerization”, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem.2013, 51, 4786-4798.
u 2019.07 全国大学生高分子材料实验实践大赛 三等奖 教育部高等学校材料类专业教学指导委员会 1/2
u 2019.12 全国商业科技进步奖三等奖 基于磷酸酯类功能聚合材料的拓扑化创制及其工业化技术 3/9
u 2014.01-2016.12 国家自然科学青年基金项目 新型不饱和聚磷酸酯的易位合成及交联与杂化纳米结构的研究 2/8
u 2016.06-2018.05 江苏省产学研前瞻性研究项目 磷酸酯类可降解聚合物的研发及其生物医用研究 3/5
u 2016.06-2019.05 基础研究计划(自然科学基金)青年基金项目 高能效及高活性三元层状异质结光催化降解环境污染物研究 6/8
u 2019.05-2020.04 江苏省大学生创新项目 结构可控有机微孔易位聚合物的合成及催化性能研究 1/1
u 优秀共产党员吕氏贵宾会网址0022 2019.07
u 江苏省“双创计划” 科技副总 江苏省科技厅 2019.07
u 文明家庭 盐城工学院 2019.05