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作者: 陈小卫   审核人: 唐浩、奚新国   文章来源: 吕氏贵宾会网址0022    点击数:   发布时间: 2022-08-06



博导、教授   电子邮箱:qfangzhang@gmail.com











9. 2021.08-至今

8. 2017.12-2021.07

7. 2012.03-至今

6. 2015.01-2017.12

5. 2017.03-2017.05

4. 2015.09-2015.10

3. 2012.12-2013.02

2. 2009.07-2011.12

1. 2005.07-2009.07























4.Z型g-C3N4/(BiO)2(OH)xCl2-x 异质结光催化活性增强机制研究,盐城市自然科学优秀学术成果奖,三等奖,2021年;








16. 中央军委科学技术委员会国防科技创新特区项目,原子团簇-金属有机骨架复合材料,2019.1-2020.10,100万元,负责人;

15. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,自旋轨道耦合莫特绝缘体的量子磁性调控,2015.1-2018.12,100万元,主持;

14. 国家外专局,亚非青年科学家来华工作计划项目,2016.9-2020.12,90万元,主持;


12. 国家自然科学基金外国青年学者研究基金,Computational characterization of graphene oxide for field effect transistor nanosensors,2018.1-2019.12,30万元,中方合作者;

11.国家自然科学基金外国青年学者研究基金,Monte Carlo Simulations of Magneto-caloric Materials,2019.1-2020.12,39.6万元,中方合作者;


9. 国家基金委国际合作局,从原子模拟到模型哈密顿量,2016.3,1.5万元,主持;


7. 江苏省科技厅优秀青年基金,过渡金属氧化物功能材料的物性研究,2016.7-2019.6,50万元,主持;


5. 光驰科技(上海)有限公司横向项目,新型车载功能薄膜的开发及应用,2019.1-2020.12,100万元,主持;

4. 国家科技支撑计划项目,岛礁工程快速构筑材料、构件研究与应用示范,2014.10-2017.12,100万元,排名第6;

3. 江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目,5d过渡金属氧化物的制备与物性研究,2014.1-2016.12,30万元,主要参与;

2. 国家863高技术项目,衣康酸下游分离提取及污染物无害化处理,2015.1-2017.12,80万元,参与;

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,金属团簇奇异铁磁、铁电和多铁性的电子关联机制,2018.1-2022.12,62万元,主要参与。


12. 2021年成为江苏省第六期“333高层次人才培养工程”第二层次培养对象;

11. 2012年成为江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才培养对象;

10. 2013年成为江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”第三层次培养对象;

9. 2014年成为江苏省高校“青蓝工程”科技创新团队带头人培养对象;

8. 2014年认定南京大学博士生指导资格;

7. 2014年认定江苏科技大学学术型硕导资格;

6. 2017年成为江苏省优秀青年基金获得者;


4. 2019年认定江苏科技大学博导资格;

3. 2019年认定盐城工学院硕导资格;

2. 2019年荣获第八届“盐城青年五四奖章”;

1. 2020年荣获第二届江苏省“十佳研究生导师团队”提名奖。


[75]张勤芳,通讯作者,Ag-Pd alloy decorated ZnIn2S4 microspheres with optimal Schottky barrier height for boosting visible-light-driven hydrogen evolution,Journal of Materials Science & Technology,2022,SCIⅠ区

[74]张勤芳,通讯作者,Enhancements of thermoelectric performance in n-type Bi2Te3-based nanocomposites through incorporating 2D Mxenes,Journal of the European Ceramic Society,2022,SCIⅡ区

[73]张勤芳,通讯作者,Compact and Low-Profile Linear-/Circular-Polarization Dielectric Resonator Antennas with Extended Bandwidths,IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation,2022;

[72]张勤芳,通讯作者,Enhancing the hydrogen evolution reaction on MoS2 flakes by cold plasma treatment,Electrochemistry Communications,2022,SCIⅡ区

[71]张勤芳,通讯作者,Synthesis of small-sized hexagonal NaREF4 (RE= Yb, Lu) nanocrystals through accelerating phase transformation,Journal of Luminescence,2022,SCIⅡ区

[70]张勤芳,通讯作者,Ammonia-induced surface microstructure reconstruction on ACIGS thin film at room temperature,Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing,2022,SCIⅢ区

[69]张勤芳,通讯作者,High-capacity and cycling-stable anode for sodium ion batteries constructed from SnS2/MWCNTs nanocomposites,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2022,SCIⅡ区

[68]张勤芳,通讯作者,A Facile Strategy to Realize Rapid and Heavily Hydrogen-Doped VO2 and Study of Hydrogen Ion Diffusion Behavior,Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2022,SCIⅡ区

[67]张勤芳,通讯作者,Visible light driven g-C3N4/Bi4NbO8X (XCl, Br) heterojunction photocatalyst for the degradation of organic pollutants,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2022,SCIⅡ区

[66]张勤芳,通讯作者,Facile Synthesis of Sillén-Aurivillius Layered Oxide Bi7Fe2Ti2O17Cl with Efficient Photocatalytic Performance for Degradation of Tetracycline,Catalysts,2022,SCIⅢ区

[65]张勤芳,通讯作者,A-site Mn2+tuned magnetism and electrical transport properties in the transition-metal-only perovskite oxide MnCu3Mn4O12,Physical Review B,2022,SCIⅡ区

[64]张勤芳,通讯作者,Electronic, optical, and catalytic properties of finite antimonene nanoribbons: First principles study,Physica Scripta,2022,SCIⅢ区

[63]张勤芳,通讯作者,Properties and applications of quantum dots derived from two-dimensional material,Advances in Physics: X,2022,SCIⅡ区

[62]张勤芳,通讯作者,Boosting thermoelectric performance in Cu3SbS4-based compounds through incorporating SiC nanoparticles,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,2022,SCIⅣ区

[61]张勤芳,通讯作者,Flux synthesis of Bi2MO4Cl (M= Gd and Nd) nanosheets for high-efficiency photocatalytic oxygen evolution under visible light,Journal of Materials Science,2022,SCIⅢ区

[60]张勤芳通讯作者,Electronic and adsorption properties of extended chevron and cove-edged graphene nanoribbons,Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures2021,SCI

[59]张勤芳通讯作者,The electronic, adsorption, and catalytic properties of Bi-, Sb-, and As-nanoclusters,Catalysis Today2021,SCI

[58]张勤芳通讯作者,Boosted spintronic properties in triangular Si-based nanoflakes,Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures2021,SCI

[57]张勤芳通讯作者,Stoichiometry-dependent photocatalytic performance of bismuth-based oxychlorides BixOyCl,Applied Surface Science2021,SCI

[56]张勤芳通讯作者,Two-dimensional quantum dots for highly efficient heterojunction solar cells,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science2021,SCI

[55]张勤芳通讯作者,Tunable electro-optical properties of doped chiral graphene nanoribbons,Chemical Physics2021,SCI

[54]张勤芳通讯作者,Two-dimensional Si2BN nanoflakes for efficient removal of heavy metals,Chemical Physics Letters2021,SCI

[53]张勤芳通讯作者,Interaction of hydrated metals with chemically modified hexagonal boron nitride quantum dots: wastewater treatment and water splitting,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2020,SCI

[52]张勤芳通讯作者,Hole Doping to Enhance the Photocatalytic Activity of Bi4NbO8Cl,Catalysts2020,SCI

[51]张勤芳通讯作者,Efficient charge separation and visible-light response of two-dimensional Janus group-III monochalcogenide multilayers,Catalysis Science & Technology2020,SCIⅡ

[50]张勤芳通讯作者,Hole doping to enhance the photocatalytic activity of Bi4NbO8Cl,CATALYSTS2020,SCIⅢ

[49]张勤芳通讯作者,Rapid synthesis of triple-layered cylindrical ZnO@SiO2@Ag core-shell nanostructures for photocatalytic applications,JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH,2020,SCIⅢ

[48]张勤芳通讯作者,2DTitanium/niobium metal oxide-based materials for photocatalytic application,SOLAR RRL2020SCI

[47]张勤芳通讯作者,Enhanced photocatalytic activity over g-C3N4/(BiO)2(OH)xCl2-x Z-scheme heterojunction,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2020,SCI;

[46]张勤芳通讯作者,Modulation of VO2 metal-insulator transition by co-doping of hydrogen and oxygen vacancy,SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS,2020,SCI;

[45]张勤芳通讯作者,Theoretical investigation on defect engineering for tuning photocatalytic activities in isostructural Sc(x)mCu(y)nO(z-1) (m=Ca,n=Ni),MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS,2020,SCI;

[44]张勤芳通讯作者,Constructing n-doped KNb3O8/g-C3N4composite for efficient photocatalytic h-2 generation and degradation under visible light irradiation,CATALYSIS LETTERS,2020,SCIⅢ

[43]张勤芳通讯作者,Molecular and dissociative adsorption of CO and SO on the surface of Ir(111),AIP ADVANCES,2020,SCI Ⅳ区;

[42]张勤芳通讯作者,Plasmonic properties of spheroidal spindle and disc shaped core-shell nanostructures embedded in passive host-matrices,OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,2020,SCI Ⅳ区;

[41]张勤芳,通讯作者,Synthesis of li-doping tetragonal-Bi2O3nanomaterial with high efficient visible light photocatalysis,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS,2020,SCIⅢ

[40]张勤芳通讯作者,Optimization of sintering temperature for SOFCs by a co-firing method,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,2020,SCI;

[39]张勤芳通讯作者,The role of the Cu dopant on a Mn3O4spinel SCR catalyst: Improvement of low-temperature activity and sulfur resistance,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020,SCI

[38]张勤芳通讯作者,Interaction of hydrated metals with chemically modified hexagonal boron nitride quantum dots: wastewater treatment and water splitting,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2020,SCI;

[37]张勤芳通讯作者,Biotemplating synthesis of N-doped two-dimensional CeO2-TiO2 nanosheets with enhanced visible light photocatalytic desulfurization performance,JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2020,SCI;

[36]张勤芳通讯作者,Dynamic study of phase transition in Bi2O3epitaxial film induced by electrolyte gating,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,2019,SCI;

[35]张勤芳通讯作者,Core-shell heterostructured and visible-light-driven Titanoniobate/TiO2composite for boosting photodegradation performance,NANOMATERIALS,2019,SCI区;

[34]张勤芳第一作者,MnB2 nanosheet and nanotube: stability, electronic structures, novel functionalization and application for Li-ion batteries,NANOSCALE,2019,SCI

[33]张勤芳通讯作者,The Janus structures of group-III chalcogenide monolayers as promising photocatalysts for water splitting,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2019,SCI;

[32]张勤芳通讯作者,Three-dimensional reduced graphene oxide/MnO composite architectures as a high-rate anode for lithium storage,SYNTHETIC METALS,2019,SCIⅢ

[31]张勤芳第一作者,VC2and V1/2Mn1/2C2 nanosheets with robust mechanical and thermal properties as promising materials for Li-ion batteries,PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2019,SCI;

[30]张勤芳通讯作者,Revealing the role of oxygen vacancies on the phase transition of VO2 film from the optical-constant measurements,RSC ADVANCES,2018,SCIⅢ

[29]张勤芳通讯作者,Two-dimensional stable transition metal carbides (MnC and NbC) with prediction and novel functionalizations,PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2018,SCI;

[28]张勤芳通讯作者,Formation and structural growth of two dimensional layer of hafnene on Ir (111) surface,CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS,2018,SCI Ⅳ区;

[27]张勤芳通讯作者,Well-dispersed monoclinic VO2nanoclusters with uniform size for sensitive near-infrared detection,ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS,2018;

[26]张勤芳,通讯作者,First-principles studies on the structural and electronic properties of as clusters,MATERIALS,2018,SCI;

[25]张勤芳,通讯作者,An eco-friendly synthesized mesoporous-silica particle combined with WSe2-graphene-TiO2 by self-assembled method for photocatalytic dye decomposition and hydrogen production,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2018,SCIⅢ

[24]张勤芳通讯作者,Efficient carrier separation and band structure tuning of two-dimensional C2N/GaTe van der waals heterostructure,JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,2018,SCI;

[23]张勤芳通讯作者,The behavior of magnetic properties in the clusters of 4d transition metals,MOLECULES,2018,SCIⅢ

[22]张勤芳通讯作者,Core-level excitation in polymorph of AS2S3and In2S3,Journal of computational Science,2018,SCI Ⅳ区;

[21]张勤芳,通讯作者,A new bi-based oxychloride Bi4Ti0.5W0.5O8Cl as a photocatalyst,CATALYSIS LETTERS,2018,SCIⅢ

[20]张勤芳通讯作者,Single-layer ZnMN2 (M = Si, Ge, Sn) zinc nitrides as promising photocatalysts,PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS.2018,SCI;

[19]张勤芳,通讯作者,Antiferromagnetic monolayer MnC2with density functional theory prediction,JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,2018,SCIⅢ

[18]张勤芳,通讯作者,Theoretical investigation of existence of meta-stability in iron and cobalt clusters,SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS,2018,SCIⅢ

[17]张勤芳,通讯作者,First-principles study of native defects in bulk Sm2CuO4and its (001) surface structure,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,2018,SCIⅢ

[16]张勤芳,通讯作者,Electronic structures and magnetic properties of rare-earth (Sm,Gd) doped Bi2Se3Chalcogenide Letters2017,SCI Ⅳ区;

[15]张勤芳,通讯作者,Tuning the electrical transport of type II Weyl semimetal WTe2nanodevices by Ga plus ion implantation,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2017,SCIⅢ

[14]张勤芳通讯作者,GaS0.5Te0.5 monolayer as an efficient water splitting photocatalyst,PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS2017,SCI;

[13]张勤芳,通讯作者,Metal–organic framework photosensitized TiO2Co-catalyst: a facile strategy to achieve a high efficiency photocatalytic system,Chemistry - A European Journal,2017,SCI;

[12]张勤芳第一作者,Surface ferromagnetism in HfO2induced by excess oxygen,SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS,2017,SCIⅢ

[11]张勤芳通讯作者,First-principles study on codoping effect to enhance photocatalytic activity of anatase TiO2,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B,2017,SCI Ⅳ区;

[10]张勤芳,通讯作者,Layer-by-layer assembly modification to prepare firmly bonded Si-graphene composites for high-performance anodes,RSC ADVANCES,2016,SCIⅢ

[9]张勤芳,通讯作者,High-mobility Sm-doped Bi2Se3ferromagnetic topological insulators and robust exchange coupling,ADVANCED MATERIALS,2015,SCI

[8]张勤芳,通讯作者,Pressure-induced spin reorientation and spin state transition in SrCoO3Physical Review B,2015,SCI;

[7]张勤芳,通讯作者,First-principles study of transition-metal atoms adsorption on MoS2monolayer,PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES,2014,SCI;

[6]张勤芳,通讯作者,Study on structural characteristics and adsorption performance of ultrasonic treated Mn-containing sulfur transfer agent,JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2014,SCI;

[5]张勤芳,通讯作者,Tunable electronic properties of ZnO nanowires and nanotubes under a transverse electric field,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,2013,SCI

[4]张勤芳,通讯作者,A simple capacitor model and first-principles study of carbon-doped zigzag ZnO nanoribbons,SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS,2012,SCI

[3]张勤芳,第一作者,Strain-engineered magnetic order in (LaMnO3)(n)/(SrMnO3)(2n) superlattices,PHYSICAL REVIEW B,2012,SCI;

[2]张勤芳,通讯作者,Tunable deformation and electronic properties of single-walled ZnO nanotubes under a transverse electric field,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,2012,SCI

[1]张勤芳,第一作者,First-principles study of the spin-mixing conductance in Pt/Ni81Fe19 junctions,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,2011,SCI.



[10]张勤芳,第一发明人,一种团簇束流实验装置及纳米团簇的制备方法,中国,发明专利,2020-01-10,ZL 201611154289.8(授权);




[6]张勤芳,第四发明人,Low-calcium silicate cement and preparation and hardening methods,美国,发明专利,2018-10-31,US10058874B2(授权);



[3]张勤芳,排名第4,一种黑色氧化锌及其制备方法,中国,发明专利,2018-01-23,ZL 2015 1 0377150.9(授权);

[2]张勤芳,排名第4,一种低钙硅酸盐水泥及其制备与硬化方法,中国,发明专利,2017-07-28,ZL 2015 1 0452735.2(授权);









2. 盐城市科技局,第六届盐城市科技创业大赛总决赛“高校师生组”,秸秆类FDM 3D打印耗材,一等奖,2019.12;

1. 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目,VO2纳米团簇的可控制备及红外光电响应研究,省级重点,2018.7。






22.The 8th International conference on multi-functional materials and applications 2014 (Hoseo University, Chungnam, Korea), oral presentation.

21.26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics 2011 (Beijing, China), poster presentation.

20.JPS Annual Meeting, 2010 (Osaka, Japan), poster presentation.

19.APS March Meeting, March 2010 (Portland, USA), oral presentation.

18.Crest Meeting, December 2009 (Wako, Japan), oral presentation.

17.Crest Meeting, September 2009 (Sendai, Japan), oral presentation.

16.Crest Meeting, July 2009 (Sendai, Japan), oral presentation.

15.DynaMax Meeting, Apirl 2009 (Trondheim, Norway), oral presentation.

14.Workshop on Spin Caloritronics, February 2009 (Leiden, the Netherlands).

13.The FOM Meeting, January 2009, (Veldhoven, the Netherlands),poster presentation.

12.MESA+Annual Meeting, 23 November 2008 (Enschede, the Netherlands), poster presentation.

11.5th NN-NEM meeting, September 2008, (Eindhoven, the Netherlands).

10.DynaMax Meeting, September 2007, (Leuven, Belgium).

9.DynaMax Meeting, March 2007 (Groningen, the Netherlands), oral presentation.

8.The FOM Meeting, January 2007, (Veldhoven, the Netherlands).

7.Quantum Transport and non-adiabatic electron evolution from first principles approaches,December 2006, (Lyon, France).

6.DynaMax Meeting, September 2006, (Delft, the Netherlands).

5.Electronic Structure Workshop, May 2006, (Nijmegen, the Netherlands).

4.MESA+Annual Meeting, September 2006, (Enschede, the Netherlands).

3.Novel Nanomaterials, Quantum Transport, and Noise of Electrons and Photons, January 2006, (Lancaster University, UK).

2.The FOM Meeting, December 2005, (Veldhoven, the Netherlands).

1.MESA+Annual Meeting, September 2005, (Enschede, the Netherlands).