姓名: 宋玉玺 性别: 男
出生日期: 19950302 籍贯: 山东
学历: 博士 毕业时间: 2022.6
职称、职务: 讲师 学科专业:材料科学与工程
主要研究方向: 液流电池,计算材料学
E-mail: yxsong@ycit.edu.cn
u 2022.12-至今 盐城工学院 吕氏贵宾会网址0022 讲师
u 2017.09-2022.07 中国科学技术大学 吕氏贵宾会网址0022 博士研究生
Yuxi Song; Xiangrong Li; Chuanwei Yan; Ao Tang; Unraveling the viscosity impact on volumetric transfer in redox flow batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 456:228004.
Yuxi Song; Xiangrong Li; Chuanwei Yan; Ao Tang; Uncovering ionic conductivity impact towards high power vanadium flow battery design and operation, Journal of Power Sources, 2020,480: 229141.
ang; Xiangrong Li; Chuanwei Yan; Qinghua Liu; Ao Tang; Tuning the ferrous coordination structure enables a highly reversible Fe anode for long-life all-iron flow batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9(46): 26354-26361.
(4) Yuxi Song; Hui Yan; Huanhuan Hao; Zihe Liu; Chuanwei Yan; Ao Tang; Simultaneous Regulation of Solvation Shell and Oriented Deposition toward a Highly Reversible Fe Anode for All‐Iron Flow Batteries, Small , 2022, 18(49): 2204356.
Yuxi Song; Xiangrong Li; Jing Xiong; Linlin Yang; Guoliang Pan; Chuanwei Yan; Ao Tang; Electrolyte transfer mechanism and optimization strategy for vanadium flow batteries adopting a Nafion membrane, Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 449: 227503.